Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hunting Season Begins

Jock looks forward to this weekend all year long. Hunting is truly something that pleases him to the core of his being. It is more then a hobby for him - he probably should have been born a mountain man a few hundred years ago. So he was off Thurs evening and went to the Rockies vs Mets baseball game with my dad and then stayed at his house which is an hour closer to the hunting area. He said they got home at like midnight and then stayed up and chatted for a while and finally he went to bed only to pop out of bed at 4:00 to head up to Greeley to hunt. This from my hubby that can seriously nap in the afternoon and then fall asleep at 6:00 for the whole night. The man has no idea what insomnia is. LOL! But they have had a great time and have been fairly successful so I guess all is well.

I don't mind hunting season because it means unlimited nighttime scrapping time. Not that I have been that productive this weekend. And I am not sure why - I was so read: new goodies to scrap with and I was all organized with my challenges left to do from ScrapAddict but I have only gotten three pages done. Strange. But I have another page out on the desk that I am going to do right after updating here. I thought I had another night of scrapping tonight but Jock called and said he was going to head home this afternoon sometime. So, while it will be nice to have him back home I really will not get the scrapping I had planned done. Oh, well, that is the thing about hunting - there is always another trip coming up.

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