Sunday, January 08, 2006


I can no longer stand it. I am not a neat freak by any strech of the imagination but my scrappin room is out of control!! It was moderately workable in early December. Not neat as a pin but do-able. Them came assignments and my box from SA was lost in the mail so it was late. Then came my mil for three and a half weeks during which time I felt the need to sort of hang out with her during the day and in the evenings. Finally, there was Christmas. All those great handmade gifts - I made them all the while piling one mess on top of the last. And then Jan came and I got my DT box from Sweet Pea Scraps and had layouts to do for that. Well, I finally got all the had to do things done. And now the top thing on the have to do list is clean this room!!! I can not stand it any more. So far, I picked up Peyton and Remi's toys, cleaned up the "art" projects that they had out, and cleaned off my main scrapping table. Now, I need to tackle the other table, the couch, the photos, and file some papers. And when all of that is done I seriously need a master plan for all my magazines.

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...

LOL -- mine is a disaster too!